What is Ram And How Much Ram is Actually Enough in 2019

What is Ram And How Much Ram is Actually Enough in 2019

What is Ram And How Much Ram is Actually Enough in 2019

What is Ram And How Much Ram is Actually Enough in 2019

this question was,is and will always be asked a lot, the answer actually depends on many factors like how are you planning to use your computer? are you a gamer or a a developer and a normal user for example will not need the same Ram, how much time you are willing to use that computer before upgrading it, and also what specs your computer already has.

Hence the computer's performance doesn't only depend on how much ram you have if you have a super ram and Trash CPU and GPU and Hard drive it won't do any good, so before going through how many Rams are enough, we will try first to explain what are Rams and why are they so important.

What Is Ram ?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory it its one of  the most - if not the most- important components computers, smartphones, laptops, PlayStation,Xbox.... etc you cannot do any task without it or having it but not being it enough would slower your system or apps c crashing them or even not running them at all.

A Ram is an an extremely fast type of memory for computers has the purpose of temporarily storing the dynamic data and information your computer (or the apps on it) need for that same moment and for the close future.

Why Are RAM So Important

RAM is very important on whatever you do with your computer, especially if you are using one of the new operating systems. With the price of RAMs nowadays, the RAM is the last thing you should be saving money on.

RAM directly effects the good performance of your computer, especially in terms of speed. it is also responsible of what we can call "helping" the CPU by storing instructions and data and mostly everything that the processor needs to use when running any type of programs.

If the RAM is in good condition and has enough capacity, you would be able to run multiple programs and do a lot of stuff at the same time without having any type of problems. but if you are using programs that needs higher requirements you would need more ram... it will start crashing and even not running. That's when you need more ram, if you do need more ram, i really recommend you to upgrade it because it is one of the easiest parts of the computer to upgrade.

The RAM is the easiest component to upgrade because it is:
  • It is cheap comparing it to other computer components.
  • It is very easy to install anyone can install it actually.
  • it is available everywhere online or at mostly any computer store. 
  • You do not have to install any software or driver or anything, buy install and congrats.
Now after talking about what RAM is and its importance we are going to talk about our main subject

How Much Ram is Actually Enough in 2019

As we said before it depends on what are you using the computer for so...

Is 4Gb of Ram enough ?

for normal users  that used the computer only for web surfing and some simple tasks like using word and excel...etc 4GB of RAM is totally enough, if you want to upgrade it to 8GB it is fine.. but it's more than enough actually you wont need that extra RAM.

Is 8Gb of Ram enough ?

Is 8Gb of Ram enough

For programmers and people who use their computer more than normal people or using programs like AutoCad and SolidWorks or even Android Studio (if you want tutorials about it here is a link : Android Studio ) i would recommend 8GB for now but with the development of the tech and apps nowadays i would recommend more to avoid near-future needs for more RAM i would recommend to upgrade it to 12GB or even 16GB

Is 16Gb of Ram enough ?

For gamers and video editors and 3d modelers...etc i would recommend the 16GB, but 8GB  for games can be enough for a start because games require more GPU and CPU for performance comparing it to The RAM.

What about 32Gb of Ram or more ?

if you are not running a server for example or something would requires super RAMs anything more than 32GB is flexing and waiting for money.

So What's enough ?

In conclusion,i recommend at least 4GB of RAM for most users, but the sweet spot would be 8GB it will do well. Do not choose 16GB or more unless you run today’s most demanding games or applications, or if you want to make sure you will not need more for the future.